Saturday, July 22, 2006

Take Me In

I was sitting at my computer tonight importing a musical Compact Disc into iTunes. One by one the songs played through my speakers as they copied to my hard drive. As I listened, I rated each one on a scale of one to 10. Turns out...every single song is a "10". And that CD is Strong Tower by the band Kutless.

One song especially struck an emotional chord within me. I couldn't help but stop the import and play the song...again and again. That song is Take Me In, by Dave Browing. I share it with you now.

Take me past the outer courts and through the holy place; past the brazen alter...

Lord I want to see Your face.

Pass me by the crowds of people and the priests who sing Your praise;

I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness, but it's only found in one place...

Take me in to the Holy of Holies;
Take me in by the blood of the Lamb.
Take me in to the Holy of Holies;
Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am.

Indeed, I worshipped.